Ella Bella Sunshine Girl

Ella Bella Sunshine Girl – eating a homemade biscuit on Easter Morning

The idea of a food blog came about when my daughter moved to Chicago and then to New York.  She would call home saying she needed a hug from home and that she wished she had a certain dish only Mom could make.  I began to think that a food blog would be a good way to share those special family recipes and the stories that surround them so that all of my children could have a little hug from home anytime they needed one.

This blog has our family recipes and new additions that cross our table.  One of my sons is a chef and he shares that his inspiration comes from our family’s love of food and each other.  You can feel the love in the food he creates.

Our sweet Ella is the new twig on our family tree  – our first grandchild – a true blessing from God.  Now my grandchildren’s grandchildren will be able to continue our family traditions of sharing hugs and love around the table.

Ella is 10 years old now and quite the experienced cook.  She has a love for cooking that melts my heart.  This past summer, at age 9, she made ‘DoDo Balls’ all by herself – no one else was in the kitchen.  She’s made them many times before with a small amount of assistance.  They were amazing and now I have passed the baton to her – she’s the official DoDo Ball Queen.  Ella is learning how to make cornbread dressing.  One of her specialties is guacamole – yum!

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Ella making DoDo Balls all by herself – age 9.

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Ella making guacamole!

ella cookies

Ella making pressed cookies – using an old family recipe shared by Chris Pascarella.

hadley ann

Hadley Ann enjoying warm holiday cookies!